This past summer, instead of going back home to Ontario, I decided to further my connection in this area by working at a summer camp in Brevard, NC. Walking up to my cabin with bags in hand on a root-covered trail that I would soon learn to navigate in the dark of night, I could hear The Sound of Music's "I Have Confidence" running through my head. I could identify with Maria Von Trapp, feeling a bit apprehensive about entering a strange place and having 15 young teenagers under my care.
Being a camp counselor turned out to be more demanding than I had expected. This type of work requires you to be on call 24/7. It’s not the kind of job where you go home at five and come back at eight the next morning. In addition, not only did I supervise my campers, I also acted as a first-aid-fix-it-woman, a backcountry cook extraordinaire, and a teacher of life skills. Having to juggle a variety of tasks was not new for me. Working at our vegetarian Cow Pie CafĂ© taught me that. So, in fact, I realized that I did not go into this new experience empty handed. My experience with the work program at Wilson had provided me with a toolbox of skills that I was able to apply this summer.

I soon learnt that I was blessed with one of the most sought out counseling jobs at camp. Working with the oldest group of campers meant that I was able to have remarkably mature conversations with my campers. We covered religious topics, the environment, and even the upcoming election! In addition, unlike the younger campers, my 7th and 8th graders were able to reflect on their camp experience. During each three week session, my campers learnt to be themselves. Many of these kids were accustomed to a school culture where one’s image and social spheres are of prime importance. Being immersed in nature allowed my campers to let go, be themselves, and appreciate others for who they truly were.
Every moment of my summer was memorable, from reminding my campers to do their dishes, encouraging them up mountains, or joining them out on a field to gaze at the heavens. All in all, it was a wonderful summer indeed!