Thankfully, today was payday, another five hundred dollars towards my savings. Right? Not exactly. A wrench was thrown into my plans to save up, when I got a call from a friend who was planning a trip by herself to New York City. Convincing me to join her did not take much. I thought about my little savings account, and decided, what am I saving for anyway; Greasy pizza from Chow Time, the local delivery place? No, I need to put my money towards new experiences, not more junk. So I dished out two hundred dollars for a round trip ticket to NYC. Luckily, the cost of the ticket was not even half of one of my paychecks. The real cost will come when I get there, gazing around at tons of museums and subways. The adventure will definitely be worth it. I have never been to NYC, and I have never been that far north. It’s going to be a one hundred and eighty degree turn around from the mountains of Appalachia but I think I need to experience the big city. Not to mention I’ll be there for the Forth of July celebration. City lights, and fireworks here I come!