This school is full to the brim of unique students and that’s why I am in love with this place. Alas my commitments to my work took me away from the beautiful Warren Wilson campus last week. I flew from the tiny airport that is Asheville Regional Airport to the one of the largest airports in the country, Orlando. From Orlando I drove down to Miami to attend the Performance Marketing Expo.
I had been booked as a speaker for this event since February. I was speaking on social media (facebook, twitter etc) and how companies can use social media to grow their business. At the conference there were representatives from such companies as Google, 123 print, Finish Line and more. The conference was held at a beautiful Hotel called the Eden Roc right on South Beach.
I have spoken at various conferences before since I have been speaking professionally for almost a year now. Apart from speaking at Girl Scout events every time I have spoken the audience is older and more experienced than me. The Performance Marketing Expo was no different. The closest attendee to me in age was 23. However I have learned that everything in business is about attitude. Regardless of how young or inexperienced you are if you carry yourself like you know what you’re talking about, people assume you do.
On the day of my presentation I donned my business suit, did a walkthrough with the AV tech for the room I was presenting in and listened to other speakers as I waited for my presentation in the afternoon. During the day as I networked many people asked me about my business and why I was at the conference. When I told them I was one of the speakers the shocked looks were plentiful.
Finally my time to speak arrived and as always the butterfly’s were playing havoc in my stomach. I listened as I was introduced to the audience. They clapped out of habit and I took the stage. The first moment before I start talking is always the most daunting. I look out into the crowd and see the audience with their arms crossed waiting to be impressed. In that moment the audience is judging me and in a way I am judging the audience. It’s at that moment when I can allow my nerves to take over or remind myself that out of thousands of potential speakers, they picked me. I was chosen to be there and thus I had a responsibility to do my very best.
As I have done with every professional speaking engagement I take a deep breath, glance at my notes and begin my presentation. I suppose speaking is like riding a bike the first time is always the hardest and the first moments are always the shakiest. Once I get past those first few moments I begin to speak my material with confidence because I know its content inside out. After the first moments I run through my presentation without a hitch. A couple of times I forget my place but the audience never picks up on my momentary confusion. At the end of the presentation I thank the audience and as they applause, they thank me.
I am now back on the WWC campus and I have to admit it feels like two different worlds. The world of my business and the world of college are as different as can be. However both are a part of me and what makes me unique. I am only one of the students here at Warren Wilson and as this series continues you will see just how truly special our student body is.