This morning I awoke to an e-mail from a professor in philosophy that contained a thrash-punk EP themed to philosopher Theodor Adorno’s text Minima Moralia.Earlier this week, Robert Nozick’s concept of entitlement theory was discussed in an ethics class. As I became more and more heated about my disdain towards Nozick’s notion of libertarianism, my professor jokingly added, “you should try to be more passionate.”
A few weeks ago my advisor in history and political science e-mailed me a slideshow coupling characters from two of my favorite television shows: Downton Abbey and Mad Men. Before class we often gush over details of the latest episode of each program.Two semesters ago, when Bayard Rustin was introduced during a lecture on civil rights in my Grassroots Politics course, the professor added an aside in my direction along the lines of, “He’s a gay, African-American socialist, you’ll love him!”It’s personal touches like these that assure me I’m in the right place. But I wasn’t always so certain of my decision to come to Warren Wilson College.
I transferred into Warren Wilson College in the fall of 2010. In the first few weeks something felt off and I began questioning whether or not I had made the right choice. I had twice attempted to transfer prior to coming here, and it seemed that once again I had failed. In my disquiet, I sent a lengthy and panicked e-mail to a former professor of mine at community college. After several e-mails back and forth I was encouraged to see the semester out and decide what to do from there.
Now in my fourth semester at Warren Wilson, I’m glad I stuck through the initial disconcertion.The eccentricities of professors are worn on their sleeves. Conversations in and out of the classroom assure me of my professors' humanity. Their passion is contagious and their accessibility abundant.
The ease with which communicate, either about comprehension of course material or personal interests, is indicative of their commitment to students. Without them, I would still be figuring out what I want to study and where.Often, discussions about Warren Wilson wither down to work and service, with academics shoved to the side. As great as my job is, and as much as I enjoy service, they just don't match up to my experience with academics.
I love my professors.