If you guessed that they’re all summer internships offered through Warren Wilson’s Environmental Leadership Center, then you’re obviously either clairvoyant or have spent a ton of time on our website. The internships are a fabulous opportunity for Wilson students to get their feet wet as they learn about what it’s really like to work in different environmentally oriented fields. All twenty or so spots are open exclusively to WWC students, and all are paid, making them a great option for any motivated student. And, come on, who wouldn’t want to spend a summer walking up and down the beaches of long island watching colonies of piping plovers and least terns…and make money doing it (my friend Nora can’t stop talking about it!) If you want to know more, check the ELC internship page out at http://www.warren-wilson.edu/~ELC/New_ELC_Website_/internshipofferings.php
Lindsay, who had her 20th birthday this weekend and celebrated by milking Katy the cow at 7 AM.
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