Monday, April 19, 2010

What's An Uppsala?

62 days and counting until my summer officially begins. On June 21st I head to the airport to start my journey to Stockholm, Sweden. I have been many times before, however this time is different. I plan to spend 9 weeks studying at the Uppsala International Summer Session (UISS) which is 1.5 hours north of the capital. UISS is a unique program designed for international students, ages 18-65, from all over the world to come together and study Swedish language and culture. I am excited to find out who I will meet and from where. I applied last October and almost cried of happiness when I received word of my acceptance.

I will be taking an intensive language course to perfect my Swedish as well as Modern Swedish History. In addition to all my class time and studying, I will be given opportunities to explore a different city other than Stockholm.

The reason I chose Sweden and this program is not just because of my academics but for a much more personal agenda. I am very proud that I have dual citizenship with Sweden and love everything about Sweden. I am very close with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in Sweden and see them as often as we can all make the trip across the Atlantic. So I am going to Uppsala because I want to know everything there is to know about the history and language. I have only gone to Sweden with my family to see my family. I think I will greatly benefit from seeing Sweden from a different perspective- on my own. I will be positively forced to practice my Swedish and test my comfort zones.

The independence I will be given this summer both terrifies and thrills me. I am beside myself with happiness at the prospect.

I will come back after 9 weeks of complete fun just two days before classes start for the fall. I know I will be tired and jetlagged but I also know that my best friends from Wilson will be waiting for me when I walk off the plane to my second home.

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