7:45am- Headed to Gladfelter and get a bowl of cereal and grapefruit to go.
8:00am- Bring my breakfast to the Admission Office and snack on it while I read and respond to all the Admission Office emails. Yep that is me you are talking to.
9:30am- Walked up to Kittredge Theatre with my fellow crew members to give a tour to 30 high schoolers from a nearby school. We break the students up into smaller groups and head out around campus.
11:00am- I walked up to Jensen to my 11:00 a.m. class- Constitutional Law. We digested the Supreme Court case Barren vs. Baltimore. Apparently, citizens are not protected by the Bill of Rights against States. Who knew?
12:20am- Went to CowPie Café for lunch. Ate a yummy green salad, focaccia bread, and bean salad. I was in need of an afternoon pick-me-up and got a cup of coffee to go. Sadly when I was pouring in my half-n-half it came out too fast on accident so I ended up having coffee with my cream.
1:00pm- I went to Statistics class to realize that if “you do not use, it you lose it.” Wow is my math rusty. But I made it though class in one piece.
2:30pm- Walked over to the Theatre again, but this time as the Property Mistress for the production of Women Beware Women. I spent the next two hours washing the goblets I bought, designing an alter tapestry, among other things I need to finish.
4:30pm- I went to the Theatre Crew meeting. I am not on the crew and this was my first time going to one of these meetings. It was fun. I spend so much time at the theatre that I guess it was not that out of line that I went.
5:30pm- I went back to CowPie for dinner. Indian night.
6:30-10:30pm- Lived in the Library doing homework.
10:30pm- Got ready for bed while trying to finish up the original Pink Panther movie. I was so tired that I did not last long. This movie is turning into a 4 part movie considering I keep starting an stopping it.
11ish- Switched over to reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad a personal finance book about what makes the rich rich and the poor poor. My chapter was about the difference between assets and liabilities.
11:30ish- Turned out the light.
PS- The picture I chose has nothing to do with my day but it makes me so happy that I thought it needs to be shown. This is me (left) and my sister at the stage door of Memphis: A New Musical in NYC. We are standing with the female lead Montego Glover! I made a point to go into the city over winter break just to see what is now my favorite musical!
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