Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yoga at Warren Wilson College

Monday afternoon at 4:30 I went to the Lower Fellowship Hall for Sattva Yoga Flow with Brooke Sullivan. When I got there it was packed – there were probably 40 people with their yoga mats spread out on the floor. Brooke started like she usually does with sun salutations, and off we went! It was wonderful and so rejuvenating. We are told to focus on our breath, which by tightening the vocal cords becomes audible and it sounds like the ocean when everyone is breathing together. When I left to go to dinner I felt so energized and like I was really in tune with my body. One thing I really love about this yoga is that the instructor embraces the fact that not everyone’s bodies move in the same way and she shows different variations on the poses to accommodate everyone.

The Wellness Crew here at Warren Wilson has a weekly calendar of Wellness Activities. Some of the activities offered are yoga – twice a week, two different types, as well as bouldering, drumming, African dance, pilates, salsa dancing, contra dancing, juggling, and Everyone Cooks. I’ve been to Everyone Cooks in the past with Michael Gentry which has been a lot of fun. We cook a vegetarian meal together in a community space with wonderful ingredients, some from the Warren Wilson College Farm. Then we sit down to eat together.

I have also been to Contra Dancing, which takes place every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 11:00. It takes place in Bryson Gym on campus and lots of people from the surrounding community and some from even farther away come to dance together. There is a live band every week and a caller who calls the dances. There is a waltz in the middle of the dance and then more contra! Contra, for those who don’t know, is kind of a mixture of line dancing and square dancing.

The Wellness Crew does an excellent job of making these activities available to students on campus. Check out the Wellness Crew website to see the schedule of events at


1 comment:

John Candler said...

I am proud to see how my school has developed in to a world leader in many ways. When I enrolled it was the Asheville Farm School fo rboys, then became Warren H. Wilson Junior College and Vocational High School.
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