I transferred to Wilson from Hood College, which is another small, liberal arts college in Frederick, Maryland. Hood was my fallback school, and when the college I had my heart set on fell through with financial aid, I realized that I needed to fall back. It was not a good fit. I won’t sit here and complain, but basically, students at Hood are not focused on the community as a whole and I had a difficult time making friends, despite my best efforts. I found solace in the art club (which was made up of mostly commuter students) and in the knowledge that I was not going to stay an entire four years.
During spring break of my first year, I looked at schools in California and in the fall of my sophomore year I looked at schools in Vermont. I decided that I was somewhat interested in majoring in Gender Studies at Burlington College in Vermont. On Christmas Eve, however, I was talking to a friend who had graduated from Wilson in ’05, and she said something about how she had never heard of another school where students could work on a farm or graduate with an Outdoor Leadership degree. I got excited; I decided right then that I wanted to go to Warren Wilson College to major in this Outdoor Leadership thing. So, having never visited the school, I applied two weeks before the spring semester started, was accepted a week later, and three days before orientation I drove on down south with my mom to find out what this place was all about.
It was, without a doubt, the best decision (and the riskiest!) I have ever made. I love going to school here. I have met people who have changed my life (including the daughter of Maura Bussiere, who I know is reading this blog), learned things about the world and myself, and experienced things I don’t think I would have had I attended a different school. I fell in love with the mountains of western North Carolina, which I not only see every day while on campus, but also lived in for 48 days during a North Carolina Outward Bound Course. I know the town of Asheville and its many splendors, my favorite of which are the Sisters McMullen Cupcake Corner and the French Broad Chocolate Lounge. I met Rue McClanahan, a star of my favorite TV show (The Golden Girls), at a local bookstore. I have also found a great tattoo artist, which is a mixed blessing because it means that now I’ll have to come back to Asheville every time I want a tattoo. And, most importantly, I know that I will do something worthwhile with my life because I came to Warren Wilson College.
I realize now that all of that gushy “Go forth young man/woman” graduation crap is not actually gushy crap. I’m starting to feel nervous and excited about starting my life as a college graduate, and all of the stuff I rolled my eyes at before I’m starting to relate to. This is when I’m supposed to start becoming a real person, and that’s a little scary. I’ll have to do things like pay for health insurance and my cell phone and try to make friends outside of a school setting and try to be a good person and contribute positive things to the world. It’s a lot to think about! Luckily, I don’t have to become an adult all at once, and I have my whole life to get things right. One of my favorite professors, Dr. Marty O’Keefe, says something that I like a lot: “Start small, go slow, but go.” And that’s what I intend to do, to go.
You are amazing, and yes, I am reading this blog! Thank goodness you chose to come to WWC. I am so proud of you and my daughter Annie. You are going to do great things in this world. Please remember that we knew you way back when!
Hey Laurel!
You probably do not remember me, although I was at Warren Wislson in the fall of this year visiting with my sister. We are both from Maryland, and actually, I too went to Hood for a little bit.
I really enjoyed reading your blog, as I also was accepted and plan on attending WW in the fall :)
Last weekend I was in NC visiting one last time just make sure everything felt right. And of course it did. I feel like the opportunity and adventures that I will be facing there, will benefit me so, so much.
I just wanted to respond to your blog and say, congratulations! And good luck with everything in your future.
Hey Laurel!
You probably do not remember me, although I was at Warren Wislson in the fall of this year visiting with my sister. We are both from Maryland, and actually, I too went to Hood for a little bit.
I really enjoyed reading your blog, as I also was accepted and plan on attending WW in the fall :)
Last weekend I was in NC visiting one last time just make sure everything felt right. And of course it did. I feel like the opportunity and adventures that I will be facing there, will benefit me so, so much.
I just wanted to respond to your blog and say, congratulations! And good luck with everything in your future.
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