Thursday, April 30, 2009


This semester has been a rough one both academically and physically. In addition to taking an intensive course load, including chemistry, I have been dealing with some health issues. Over the course of about a month, I have had two serious bouts of tonsillitis that landed me in the hospital. My plan was the same all along, to hold out until summer and have surgery at home after the semester was completed. When the second round of tonsillitis stopped responding to antibiotics, my doctor advised me to have my tonsils removed immediately to avoid a systemic infection. He also advised that I discontinue my school and class work as the medication I would be receiving after surgery would impede my ability to focus.

I was devastated. There was only five weeks left! The last thing that I wanted to do was withdraw from school and delay my graduation. So, with withdrawing out of the question, I called the dean of students, Cathy Kramer. Cathy calmed me down and we created a plan that allowed me to remain a Wilson student while I dealt with my medical concerns. I dropped chemistry as I would not be able to attend enough labs to satisfy the course. Each of my other professors met with me individually to discuss my coursework. They offered to meet with me in their own free time to fill me in on the material that I had missed. Everyone accommodated me to the fullest. When I was recovering, I received “get well” calls and emails from both my professors and supervisors.

Finally, I am left in aw of Wilson again. Never have I felt such a part of a community. It is situations like these that make me grateful that I call this tiny mountain school my home.

P.S. I have returned to work and I will be completing my classes in the next two weeks without my tonsils!

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